Our existence
We've put together all the information you need to get to know us better. You'll find everything you need to know to familiarize yourself with our organization and how it has evolved over time. Explore the "Who we are", "Mission", "History" and "How we work" tabs for a comprehensive overview of our commitment and values.
You'll find a concentrate of everything that makes our organization tick. Explore the latest exciting events we're organizing, dive into our current projects, and discover our most recent publications. This section is designed to keep you up to date with all the activities taking place.
We believe in preschool education
In this section, we highlight our beliefs about the importance of pre-school education. This section is dedicated to our commitment to providing every child with the best possible foundation for his future, and to contributing to the development of our children and the building of a strong and promising future.
OMEP-Canada information
OMEP-Canada newsletters are an invaluable source of information on all things OMEP-Canada.